Experimental editing

After finishing the large drawing shown in the previous post, I decided to see what would happen if I made bits into digital squares resembling 'zentangle' size doodles. I chopped up some of the scans to achieve this. Not only was it a challenge to find suitable bits that could be separated from the rest, it was also exploring the unknown! Not all the details could be cut out the same size because some needed the matching or contrasting patterns around them. I loved doing some of the patterns and disliked others (but had started so had to go on!). The grey shading might have been a mistake. I think coloured pencils or watercolour (not possible on this Bristol drawing paper) are probably more effective. But it's all over now. The only way I can get a copy of the unshaded drawing would be to print it out on several sheets of paper and glue it together. On some of the extracts you can almost see a string, while on others I have obviously improvised and ignored the string! These little extracts are all edited to be the same size! I could have made a dozen or so more, but I want to move on now! I noticed that the outer edges of the drawing are almost all "stringless". I started drawing in the centre (see previous post), which probably explains why the centre part is patterned in greater detail. I think the centre needs more light (in the big picture which proceeds the extracts). I have turned and twisted some of the small bits to get the best angle.

original A2 poster

This is arguably one of the most successful extracts

I adapted the new pattern 'rixty' in this extract

Rixty in focus

These odd-shaped flowers were fun to draw

This could go 90^to the left, but I wanted the black bits to go upwards

This shows the sunflower grid (my invention) but is not a good tile

Lots going on here - a bit like a knitting pattern!

A nice string vusubke here!

Busy, busy...

I avoided old patterns, but the birds sneaked in!

Lots of space in this one - and games of noughts + crosses?

A dizzy-making extract but an interesting string

Lots of light and I love the gold squiggles!

The pattern combination is nice, I think.
I used my new tombow orange for the flowers.

Quite jolly, but I do not like the 'thing' I drew on the right.

The combination of the fat fly-away flower and the wiggles is one I'm sure to repeat.

Another busy bit, bit with better spacing

Different angle and cutout.
