Out of sync...

It's nearly March and I've been preoccuppied for some weeks. A good friend died on 24th January. I was in the UK for her funeral and did not get back until 17th February. After that I just haven't had time for drawing, not least because I'm painting two works for real people (not just to keep my hand in).  A broken washing machine that had to be replaced, a broken digital recorder that had to be mended, and a broken me, tired after my trip and emotionally rather stressed, completed the mess. Ah, I hear you say, that's when the doodling comes in. But I can't say doodling improves my mood. It is relaxing, but relaxation is sometimes the last thing you need if things are not going the way you'd like them to. Now I'm more or less back to normal and hope to produce something worth exhibiting over the weekend. I'm showing the new paintings over at fapj.

Thanks for visiting! 
