Keeping up with the doodling

 I am seriously trying to post drawings, so here's the latest:

Teatime inspired by the green shapes!

 It looked quite nice withou colouring, but I did not feel like starting something new, so this is the monochrome scan. I added a lot of patterns to it as I was colouring and did not want so many empty spaces. Now there are almost none!

TT scribble

Previous to that I drew a neuroart style opus which is really only a chaotic scribble and only looks quite OK if you see it from a distance! The colouring took much longer than the scribbling, which was done with a time limit of 10 minutes - which I beat! The green lettering scribbles are the heading, but it belongs in my category "ovoid" because I drew one round some of the circles.

Loosening up

Neurographics are semi-artistic reflections of brain synapses. They should run off the page and are wiggly black lines with thickened joints. Neuroart is now taking off and really belongs in the category "SURREALISM". It serves as spontaneous design impulses, as did the intuitive drawing for Dali, Miro and other surrealist artists.

The pattern drawing a là Zentangle or Neopoprealism of the hectic 'TT' drawing  above is reminiscent of the 'samplers' you often find in the pattern category. But it is not really a sampler, as some of the patterns are diffuse and I did not set out to seriusly recreate anything!.
